Sunday 16 March 2014

My images, before and after and the changes I made

I have edited my photos in different ways for my magazine, for every photo I used Photoshop as it's the most professional tool for the job.

As an example, I took this photo (sadly I didn't end up using it) and initially used the magic wand tool to remove areas of a similar colour, however this tool removed some elements of the artists feet as her shoes were a similar colour to the gravel. Instead, I chose to undergo the painstaking process of rubbing out the background using the eraser tool as it got the closest and most neat finish, this meant that I could edit the image onto text and the text would wrap round the image.

The second effect I chose was to place a black and white filter over some of my images on the double page spread, this would create an unique effect and deter from the usual full color images in a magazine.

With this image, I decided to crop it into a square shape using the rectangular marquee tool on fireworks to remove certain sections , this would mean it could fit onto my contents page without me resulting to making it smaller so less of the image is seen.

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