Wednesday 19 March 2014

My Final double page spread

Main image: My main image is part of my main photo-shoot for my main artist, it's the largest image on the page, therefore it's the main focus. I chose to use a medium close up eye level shot from the waist up so most of the artist can be seen, I also chose the image because it has lots of background space, this allowed me to overlay the headline and the text box without the image being obscured.
Fonts: The fonts I have used were sourced from DAFONTS, I used the font 'always here' for the headline as it adds a quirky edge, linking to my alternative genre of my magazine. I also used it for the quote in a bright blue color to link to my magazines chosen color scheme and to make it stand out, as it was the same font they anchor each other together to make a direct link to the article. For the text itself, I used Calibri font for the main interview as it is easy to read.

Text layout: The text layout is in columns so it gives the impression of a continuous interview, the byline to the headline is located in the white box out and introduces the article, it is also underlined to show its where the article starts. For the questions of the interview they are highlighted in the same blue color as the quote with white text over the top, thus providing better navigation for the audience as the questions act as text markers.
The headline is located at the top of the mage, adjacent to the main image. It incorporates the background glitter as a border and the white box out makes the black text stand out, I used a mixture of the rectangular marquee tool and the rectangle vector tool to achieve this look.

 The secondary images: The secondary images are on the right hand side in a column format, this created a filmstrip/ photo-booth effect. They are in a variety of different shots such as long/mid shot and a variety of different angles such as eye level and canted. I to took a lot of effort to edit them so they looked neat and aligned, to achieve this I used the pointer tool and vector tool, and if images needed to be cropped I used the rectangular marquee tool. I also added a black and white filter to three of the images so they are mixed up a bit, it creates interest

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