Wednesday 6 November 2013

School Magazine Evaluation

So, I have finished my school magazine (the preliminary task) and now I need to evaluate what I have done.

What Went Well:
I think that the overall appearance of the cover is good because it's different to anyone Else's and looks very quirky, I also am pleased with the research I did of existing magazines because I studied both good/bad school magazines and good/bad other magazines in detail. The fact that I constructed my magazine on fireworks was good because I resisted the temptation to make it on publisher (the easy option).

Even Better If:
However I am not pleased with the contents page as it looks rushed due to lack of good time management. Also for when I make my music magazine I will do a step by step construction of how I made it, this will show exactly what I did and why.

What did I find difficult?
I found using photo shop really hard as it's something I've never used before at home or in school, for my real magazine I will probably do some research into photo shop and the basic tools involved, simply to get a better looking magazine.

What tactics did I use to attract my audience?
I used bright bold colours, to make my magazine stand out from the typical school magazine, I also used box outs to make the text stand out and a distinct logo to give my magazine a purpose.

What did I learn about different software?
I learnt how to use Fireworks, as it's relatively easy to pick up and it's a useful tool. Photoshop I did have a few problems with as I was completely new to it at the time, it was quite tricky to understand the different tools.

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