Wednesday 27 November 2013

Double page spread analysis.

Here I am going to analyse a double page spread of a magazine, this is usually the main feature and is anchored to the headline and main image on the front cover. This is from the recent edition of the rock magazine KERRANG.


The headline is the largest area of text on the page, this is because it needs to catch the audiences attention. Here the text spreads across both pages to highlight it's importance, the font is a rocky/old school style which is anchored to the genre of the magazine and is in capital letters to give it more presence. Usually double page spread headlines are direct quotes from the artist to make the audience feel a personal connection, here a kind of play on words is used that only fans of Fall Out Boy will understand, "sugar, we're coming home" is used in place of their hit song  "sugar we're going down", this makes the reader slightly amused (only if they understand the inside joke though !)

Stand First
A stand first is used to introduce the article and; like here; it's often placed at the beginning of the headline. In this case the stand first is anchored to the headline as they both infer Fall Out Boys comeback tour, also the tag word "Exclusive" is used to make the audience feel important as they are getting something "exclusive"

The by-line credits who wrote the article and the photographer, here it is located in the bottom left hand corner of the page to keep it out of the way of the image but to still show respect for the writer/ photographer.

Main Image
The main image is the most important element of the double page spread, this is because he is bigger than all of the text. Here they have decided to keep it simple by using only one image rather than the usual many secondary images. They have placed it on a contrasting box out in a quirky shape to add interest. They have used a direct mode of address in the image as all four band members are looking directly at the camera, this establishes coherence between the article and the reader.

Text box
The text is laid out in columns for clearer reading, also at the start of the columns is an illuminated/ large letter to guide the reader on where to start the article. At the top of the text box a stand is included to introduce the text, this may help readers who have little knowledge about the band as it summarises their success and the article. The artists name is highlighted in red in the stand to show its importance, this directly anchores to the artists name at the top of the page to establish continuity across the pages.

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