Wednesday 6 November 2013

School Magazine Contents page


For my School magazine I also needed to make a contents page, however can I just say that mine looks a bit messy as I had only half an hour to do it. Basically I just left it till the last minute so for my music magazine I will work quicker and be more organised.
I have used the colour scheme of green and yellow for my contents page to keep in theme with the school. The contents page title it similar to the front covers masthead due to the font and coloured box out. I have used picture secondary leads with captions to preview the articles inside, these are organised on the page like they are hanging from the top and connected together, this gives a unified feel to the page. I have also Incorporated the menu on a white box out for colour contrast and the ability to stand out.
In the background I have made pictures into the shape of oak leaves to link to the school oak tree, they also add another layer of interest to the page. 

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