Friday 29 November 2013

Music magazine hair and make-up ideas

 Here I have created a moodboard on polyvore to show my make-up and hair styling ideas for mu music magazine, I am going for the dark, grungey, rock look which will have much more impact than colours like baby pink. The colours of the makeup are very important as they need to tie in with the colour scheme of the magazine.

Makeup and hair ideas


Thursday 28 November 2013

Music magazine questionaire

Here I have made a questionaire on survey monkey to research audiences responses to music magazines, I would be really gratefull if you could spare a minute to answer it :)

Click here to take survey

Magazine photo poses

Here I have made a small slideshow that portrays some examples of the three most used shots in magazines, facial close-up, torso mid-shot and full body long shot.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Double page spread analysis.

Here I am going to analyse a double page spread of a magazine, this is usually the main feature and is anchored to the headline and main image on the front cover. This is from the recent edition of the rock magazine KERRANG.


The headline is the largest area of text on the page, this is because it needs to catch the audiences attention. Here the text spreads across both pages to highlight it's importance, the font is a rocky/old school style which is anchored to the genre of the magazine and is in capital letters to give it more presence. Usually double page spread headlines are direct quotes from the artist to make the audience feel a personal connection, here a kind of play on words is used that only fans of Fall Out Boy will understand, "sugar, we're coming home" is used in place of their hit song  "sugar we're going down", this makes the reader slightly amused (only if they understand the inside joke though !)

Stand First
A stand first is used to introduce the article and; like here; it's often placed at the beginning of the headline. In this case the stand first is anchored to the headline as they both infer Fall Out Boys comeback tour, also the tag word "Exclusive" is used to make the audience feel important as they are getting something "exclusive"

The by-line credits who wrote the article and the photographer, here it is located in the bottom left hand corner of the page to keep it out of the way of the image but to still show respect for the writer/ photographer.

Main Image
The main image is the most important element of the double page spread, this is because he is bigger than all of the text. Here they have decided to keep it simple by using only one image rather than the usual many secondary images. They have placed it on a contrasting box out in a quirky shape to add interest. They have used a direct mode of address in the image as all four band members are looking directly at the camera, this establishes coherence between the article and the reader.

Text box
The text is laid out in columns for clearer reading, also at the start of the columns is an illuminated/ large letter to guide the reader on where to start the article. At the top of the text box a stand is included to introduce the text, this may help readers who have little knowledge about the band as it summarises their success and the article. The artists name is highlighted in red in the stand to show its importance, this directly anchores to the artists name at the top of the page to establish continuity across the pages.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Contents page analysis

As I am making a content page for my magazine, I need to do some research into what the conventions are for my chosen genre. I have analysed KERRANG magazines 2010 contents page.


Colour Scheme
They have stuck to a very specific colour scheme of black and yellow, the black adds tone and depth as a base colour and the yellow is used as a contrasting accent colour to highlight important articles or headings. Red is also used to highloght the page numbers so it's easier for the reader to navigate the page, it's also used

The main image on the contents page is usually anchored to the second most important article, this is the case here because the image takes up half the page therefore the audience recognise it as important. Also all of the secondary images include their corresponding page numbers written on them, this achors them to the written contents for easy navigation of the page.

Editors letter
This is usually placed on the left hand side of the page as it's not the most important area of text. Here the editors letter is obviously reasonably important as is it includes a large secondary image to attract the readers attention, also the editors letter displays what's going on at KERRANG HQ to give the reader an 'exclusive' insight into the behind the scenes elements of the magazine.

Contents layout
the contents is divided into categories rather than in chronological order using headers in yellow font on black box outs for ease of access. The articles are in bold and are often quite ambiguous to intrigue the reader into reading the sub lines below which provide more information on the article.

Puffs are used to draw the readers eye to a highlighted article or area of the page, for example the words 'cover story' are placed on box outs shaped like stars and are located next to the star articles which therefore become anchored to the front page.

The fonts used represent the genre of the magazine, it is bold, straight edged and powerful, a bit like rock really. The use of a 'smashed' effect really adds to the font by making it less 'mainstream'

Tuesday 19 November 2013


Because my preliminary task is finished I need to create an action plan for my music magazine so I stick to a structure. I had feedback from my school magazine that I needed some kind of plan to be on tome for deadlines. By having a plan I will be on time to hand in my work and to get feedback.

Completed? Any notes?
17th December
To have completed all of my research, planning, questionnaires, mood board, font ideas, decided on name, image editing, layout plans and colour schemes
21ST December
To have completed mock photo-shoot, draft ideas on blog
24th February
To have completed my draft magazine along with real photo-shoot, feedback and how I will change my draft to the real magazine
24TH March
To have edited all photos and nearly finished magazine cover, contents and double page spread
10th April
To have completed my magazine and all 7 evaluation questions, check blog if any changes are needed

Monday 18 November 2013

Music magazine moodboard

Here are a few of my ideas for how my magazine might look like, I might change them, but here is a mood board to showcase my original thoughts. I have used fireworks to create my mood board.

Friday 15 November 2013

Q magazine analysis

Here I have analysed the various codes and conventions of the march 2012 edition of Q magazine. This is an example of a good magazine that I really like the use of colour contrast on.

The masthead is the name of the magazine, in this case it's placed at the top of the page; directly in the readers eye line to catch their attention. This masthead is very simple but effective in the sense that it uses the contrasting colours of red and white to make the classic font stand out. This masthead also is unique as it's different from any other magazine, it is able to use a single letter on a red box out as people will instantly recognise it due to it's famous reputation.
The tagline is a small area of text that shows what the magazine is about, it's usually located under the masthead as it will be the next thing the audience will see, this is the case for this cover. The tagline is also used to persuade the audience to read the magazine and gives a kind of summary about the magazine or issue, it also reinforces the genre of magazine portrayed.
The headline is the usually the text with the biggest font as it informs us about the most important article, in this case the headline is located parallel to the masthead so the audience see it first, its also anchor's to the main image (the headline is about Florence and the machine and so is the image), this reinforces the audience expectations of the article inside and shows them that the article is important.
Main cover image
The central image is one of the most important features of a magazine as it needs to reflect its purpose and catch the readers attention, this image is anchored to the headline.
The cover model is of the lead singer of Florence and the Machine, and the image catches our attention because the mise-en-scene that she is portraying is striking, her red hair, pale skin and bright blue eye makeup all contrast. An extreme close up is used to highlight the mode of address (how the model is relating to the audience) because you can see how she is looking directly at the camera to make a bond between her and the reader, the close up shows her emotions and facial details.
Cover lines
The cover lines are areas of text that are focused around the other articles, in this case they are displayed around the central image. In this case different sizes relate to the importance of the articles, this links with the font style because this differs thorough the cover lines (some are wider and some are thinner). The colour is also important, here they have used a pure white to contrast with the main image, this means that the main image and cover lines get an equal viewing by the audience. This magazine has cleverly used bright blue (linking to the eye makeup) underlines and bullet points to separate each cover line, thus making it easier to read.
This cover uses puffs (text that shows a promotion/ exclusive or freebie) to draw attention to a certain area of the cover, in this case it's an access all areas exclusive with Zane Lowe. The text is placed on a contrasting box out to make it stand out from the rest of the cover.
Pugs (seriously weird names )
This is the area where the bar code/ price and issue number is located. In this cover they are located together in the bottom left hand corner to keep it discreet from the rest of the cover.

Music magazine genres

Hi again....

I have finally finished my school magazine with reasonable success, so now it is time for the REAL THING (*gasp). Yes that is right I am starting my music magazine, so first I need to decide what genre I am going to do.
I have done some analysis and reaserch and presented my ideas on slideshare.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Music magazine general plan



Week 1

Get production brief, brain storm, gather secondary research on magazines, mood boards, sign up for any necessary accounts such as prezi, pinterest ect…  

Week 2

Annotating existing music magazine covers.

Week 3

Production schedule/project.

Week 4

Audience questionnaires/do survey/findings summary.

Week 5

Check locations, actors, equipment, props and costumes. Do photoshoot.

Week 6

Detailed drafts/sketches of front cover, contents page, centre spread. All research tasks completed and submitted

Week 7

Feedback/upgrade research & planning tasks completed.

Week 8

Secondary photo shoot, import to photoshop and edit. Create template and background for front cover on fireworks.

Week 9

Design front cover

Week 10

Construct the contents page

Week 11

Third photo shoot

Week 12

Design double page layout.

Week 13

Refine print work/ final touches.

Week 14

Upgrade production work, a power point evaluation.

Week 15


Week 17


Week 18


Thursday 7 November 2013

Feedback about my school magazine


So I have asked my friends to give me feedback on my school magazine, so here's what they said:


Your blog is detailed and for the most part clear, just try and get some tabs put at the top to help ease of use. Also make sure all your tags are relivant so you don't get fashion magazines come up i the section for your school magazine section. Your magazine looks great. it s fun and interesting. Maybe include a post showing the development of the final piece. :)


Your magazine is good. I like the use of colours on the front page and the images you have used. I would just say that an improvement would be to make the text larger under the pictures at the bottom of the page. I also like the contents page. I like the layout of the page and the fact you have carried on the bricks from the front page. I don't like the leaves though. They need to be bigger as you can't see the pictures inside them. Over all it is a great job, well done! ;)

Wednesday 6 November 2013

School Magazine Evaluation

So, I have finished my school magazine (the preliminary task) and now I need to evaluate what I have done.

What Went Well:
I think that the overall appearance of the cover is good because it's different to anyone Else's and looks very quirky, I also am pleased with the research I did of existing magazines because I studied both good/bad school magazines and good/bad other magazines in detail. The fact that I constructed my magazine on fireworks was good because I resisted the temptation to make it on publisher (the easy option).

Even Better If:
However I am not pleased with the contents page as it looks rushed due to lack of good time management. Also for when I make my music magazine I will do a step by step construction of how I made it, this will show exactly what I did and why.

What did I find difficult?
I found using photo shop really hard as it's something I've never used before at home or in school, for my real magazine I will probably do some research into photo shop and the basic tools involved, simply to get a better looking magazine.

What tactics did I use to attract my audience?
I used bright bold colours, to make my magazine stand out from the typical school magazine, I also used box outs to make the text stand out and a distinct logo to give my magazine a purpose.

What did I learn about different software?
I learnt how to use Fireworks, as it's relatively easy to pick up and it's a useful tool. Photoshop I did have a few problems with as I was completely new to it at the time, it was quite tricky to understand the different tools.

School Magazine Contents page


For my School magazine I also needed to make a contents page, however can I just say that mine looks a bit messy as I had only half an hour to do it. Basically I just left it till the last minute so for my music magazine I will work quicker and be more organised.
I have used the colour scheme of green and yellow for my contents page to keep in theme with the school. The contents page title it similar to the front covers masthead due to the font and coloured box out. I have used picture secondary leads with captions to preview the articles inside, these are organised on the page like they are hanging from the top and connected together, this gives a unified feel to the page. I have also Incorporated the menu on a white box out for colour contrast and the ability to stand out.
In the background I have made pictures into the shape of oak leaves to link to the school oak tree, they also add another layer of interest to the page. 

Final school magazine Cover

Here I have created a magazine cover with the title of ACCESS IDSALL,

So, here it is. Sorry about the resolution as it's a bit blurry and I think I have cropped a bit too much from the top. In the background I have used a medium close up image of some students at my school, the  medium close up allows a sufficient amount of background to be shown, so the audience can see the subjects in relation to their surroundings, I edited the photo on photoshop and I used the healing tool to blur minor imperfections. At the top of the page I have used a secondary lead placed on a box out (if some words don't make sense, check my previous September about codes and conventions of a magazine) this catches the audiences attention because the word "NEW" has been used and placed on a box out with a contrasting colour.

To the left of this is the logo which I created on fireworks and includes the Idsall oak tree to link to the topic of the magazine. The headline is similar to my first layout in the sense that the text is placed on a contrasting colour box out in the shape of a scribble to give the cover a more fun feel. It's also pretty similar to my second design as the title is located in the top centre unlike before where it was to the left, this is so the audience interact with the text more as it is in their direct eye line. The font of the masthead is in a basic black colour to contrast with the box out, the font style is a very typical 'old school' shape, but it is very fun and interesting at the same time, because of this it echos 'school magazine'.

Secondary leads in the form of text are placed to the left and right side of the page to preview the articles inside, again box outs are used to make the text stand out from the image. The headline is placed on a box out on the diagonal, this adds interest and rivals the typical horizontal text format. The font in all the text is suitable as it's easy to read due to its curved lines and decent thickness, as it is legible, the audience can gain information from it quicker than if I had used a fancy more unusual font. 

At the bottom their are another two secondary leads in the form of pictures to preview the articles inside, they have captions underneath to explain the story. Behind these their is a backdrop of scattered leaves which I edited on fireworks, this links to the school tree and brings the magazine together as a whole because it adds another layer of interest.