Thursday 12 September 2013

The preliminary task, duh duh duuhhhhh

So, now the akward first post is over, i'm actually going to blog about serious stuff , our first set task is to develop a front cover and contents page for the school magazine as prep for our final music magazine (how very exiting), here I have done a rough sketch and notes outlining my basic ideas (always start off small,  you will have pleanty of time to finalise your plans later), to keep in theme with the school I have used the famous school oak tree as part of my design; just to basically add interest and a bit of colour. Don't lie, when you think of a school magazine something really boring springs to mind usually, I will try to make it as exiting as possible not only to keep you   entertained but myself as well, as A-Levels can make me pretty prone to a crisis every few days  
So bye for now, and i will see you soon     (What am I talking about, seriously)

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