Monday 23 September 2013

In depth SCHOOL magazine analysis

This analysis will be slightly similar to the previous one about EMPIRE magazine, only it will be about a school magazine instead. I have used the December 2009 edition of the BBS TIMES (Burton Borough school being in Telford ).

Here, the masthead is at the top of the page to catch the readers direct eye line , the font however is not as effective as it is 'times new roman' so it makes the cover way too formal for the suited purpose to attract younger readers.

Also the colour scheme is very dull as the simple black and white makes it look too bland which will lead to people ignoring the magazine, the taglines and text need a coloured box out to make the text stand out and to give the layout more dimension, speaking of layout, why the hell did the person who made this think this layout  would be unique or interesting whatsoever I don't know, the layout makes it look like some sort of wannabe executive broadsheet newspaper which they have cleverly (cough) linked to the title (the BBS times) where they have obviously not bothered to come up with something different or unique of their own.

 I will definitely not be adopting any conventions or techniques from this magazine for my own school magazine because it does not look professional or interesting and will definitely put people off reading it.
Rant over.

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