Wednesday 25 September 2013

In depth school magazine analysis (good example)

Here I will be looking at a different school magazine, because lets be honest the previous one wasn't really that brilliant
Here is the magazine for the Fearne Community sports college, which is hopefully more of a joy to look at than the previous cover I analysised, to make it easier to understand this post you should read my post about magazine codes and conventions.
The MASTHEAD is interesting because the font is bold and large meaning the audience can read it with ease, also the location of it is useful as it is in a persons direct eyeline. This paticular magazine uses SECONDARY LEADS to engage the reader and to inform them on the articles inside encorporating TAGS to attract the reader. This cover puts the MENU on the front page to allow the reader to want to read whats  inside without opening the magazine because it provides concise infomation, the menu is located in front of a BOX OUT to make the text stand out due to colour contrast.

The layout also links to the fact that it is a school magazine as it is simple therefore ot is comfortable to read so the wide audience range can understand it. The font and text are very suitable for the magazine as it is clear, legible and dynamic which keeps the magazine current and fun, the different text sizes also adds interest.

The photo links with the main HEADLINE as they both portray infomation about sports, this ensures the magazine cover is not disjointed. The image also is a MEDIUM CLOSE UP so you can see most of the subject and some of the background which allows you to see the full situation, therefore adding interest.

For this magazine the audience has certain expectations, for example because it is a school we expect the articles to be about the school or of achievements of the students. Also because the school is a specialist sports college the readers expect some articles to be sports based to keep in theme with the school.

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