Wednesday 12 February 2014

Q magazine double page spread analysis

Here I have analysed a double page spread from 'Q' magazine.

The headline is located on the right hand side at the bottom, the font is very large, therefore highlighting it's importance. The font style is serif and very bold and modern, this means that it can suit lots of different colours added to it; in this case red and white are used to provide colour contrast and the red highlights the vital word "ginger" which adds a humerus effect.
In this article the stand (to introduce the article) is located under the headline, this guides the reader and provides a brief explanation of the article to the reader. Again, a white font is used to contrast the fairly dark image
Main image:
The main image acts as the focal point and the background, it's quite a dark image and adds a moody/sultry effect. The model/artist is anchored to the article which is about him. He is making no form of direct address and is looking away from the camera, this links to the alternative genre of this particular magazine as it's quite dark and moody. The mise-en-scene in the image is a guitar, to show what instrument he plays, and the landscape of London, referring to the fact that he is a British artist.
The text:
The text is in columns so it's easier to read, at the start of the article an illuminated/bold letter is used to guide the reader where to start reading. In the middle of the text is a fact file of the artist, this breaks up the otherwise formal text and makes it more interesting.

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