Monday 3 February 2014

Magazine cover layouts

I have created layouts on fireworks using a simple black and white colour scheme, to make it easy to see where I want to put things, I might change them for the 'final cut', but overall I am pleased with the design.
 For my first idea I have kept the masthead at the top so the eyeline instantly draws to it, my secondary infomation is located around the main image so it has chance to shine through. The headline will be on the left as I want the image to be the most noticable, however I will use a  big font. I will use a spilt glitter effect in the bottom right hand corner to  add an interesting element to the cover, obviously I will take the photo of the glitter myself to avoid copyright issues,

For my second design, I have kept it more simple by ommitting the 'glitter', element and adding some informative secondary images in the shape of a flower (a bit like the use on company magazine). I will rearange the text layout and swap the location of the headline with the 'puff' section.

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