Wednesday 2 October 2013

Camera Types

Not all types of shots are done with the same camera as specific types of camera are needed.


A track camera is a camera on a cart which is placed on a track, so it can move along with a subject hence it is parallel to the action . They are used for capturing motion scenes such as a character running away from someone and they keep at the same pace as the character. For example they are used in action scenes or sporting events like the 100 meters to show the audience every detail.


A dolly is a camera on a cart which can move towards or away from a subject, it keeps the zoom the same but the camera itself moves so their is no distortion of the image.
A crane is a dolly shot in the air, it can move left, right, up or down and can also be tilted, it is used for high/low angle shots.
A steadicam is a stabilisation system to keep the shot steady as the camera moves, it used counterweights which in turn keep the picture smooth and constant.
 Handheld cameras are used by a person holding it in their hand (well obviously) but it can also be mounted on a tripod for extra stability. The cameraman is in complete control of the camera and it provides a rough picture which is not steady,however a shaky image can be changed in post production. It is often used for home videos or vlogging. The handheld enables you to feel and connect with the cameraman's movement, they also allow greater freedom of movement due to being conveniently sized. Films such as Clover field and Paranormal activity have significantly adopted the use of a handheld camera which acts like the character is the cameraman, this can have a scary effect as the audience can connect with the fear that character is feeling.

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