Tuesday 15 October 2013

Audience as consumers

Young and Rubicams Four Consumers:
Advertisers have to start thinking about audiences in different ways because the idea of 'class' is becoming less popular. One of the most famous ideas is from the advertising agency Young and Rubicam, where they spilt the population into four consumer types:

Mainstreamers: this group makes up about 40% of the general population, they often like the security of being in a group
Aspirers:this group want status and the confidence/esteem of others. They like status symbols and designer labels
Succeeders: these are people who whave already got status and control
Reformers: these people are most noticable by their self-esteem and self-fulfilment

 This idea is very similar to Young and Rubicam's, however it shows a more detailed approach based on the audiences values, attitudes and lifestyles

These people can be pessimistic and are concerned with image. They live in the moment and have a high income.
They are hardworking high earners who are mature and well educated. They are open to new products and ideas.
These people are motivated by achievement and are often successful work orientated people. They respect authority and show off success to their peers.
They are a high resource group who are motivated by self-expression; they have lots of energy and spend a lot of money on clothes. They are interested in new products and services
They are a low resource group who are motivated by ideals; they have a conservative way of thinking and are often in favour of established brands. They have reasonably modest incomes.
These people are a low resource group who are motivated by achievement; they have few economic, social and psychological resources and strive to be like the people they admire.
They are motivated by self-expression and value self-sufficiency. These people appreciate practical and functional products
They have a low income and are not motivated. They have the fewest resources and often tend to be elderly so they stick with brands that they feel comfortable with

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