Monday 16 December 2013

Survey says ..........How old are you?

Wow, I actually got a fair few results, even if most of them were my friends or parents, but still...
Sorry if anyone answers the survey after 16/12/2013 as your results wont be counted. I published my survey online at as it could be shared via email or my blog, rather than just handing a bit of paper around and getting extremely confused.
 I decided to make my pie charts and graphs by transferring the data to Microsoft Excel than to Microsoft word so I could construct a graph/ pie chart, I did this as it shows that bit of extra effort rather than just print screening the graph of survey monkey.
How old are you?
My first question was 'how old are you?', this is because I wanted to see the age range of my respondees (is that even a word?) so I could tailor my magazine to the average.

 As you can see over half the people were 16 (56%), perhaps this was a little biased as most of my friends are 16. The average age is around 26, so this will be my older end my target audience. My target audience will be from around 16-26, this is because most of them will be in higher education, and their is not really a magazine out their of this genre for this specific target group.

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