Wednesday 11 December 2013

KERRANG magazine analysis

Since I am sticking roughly to the rock genre I need to analyse a rock magazine. Kerrang is a good example because it portrays specific conventions of that genre.

The masthead is in a bold red font and in capitols, this links with the bold rock genre of the magazine as it stands out. The smashed effect adds to the font by making it appear more unusual and alternative.
Central image
The central image covers most of the page as it highlights the main article, hence it's important, our eyes notice it straight away as the mode of address very direct, in the sense that they are all looking at the camera and one band member is pointing directly at the camera. The image is anchored to the headline
The headline is portrayed in the centre of the page as its anchored to the most important article, The font is in capitals to enhance importance and the white colour contrasts with the bands clothes.
This cover has lots of puffs on it (yes I am trying not to laugh), they draw attention to certain areas of promotion and in this case, are placed on different shaped box outs so they stand alone and don't blend in , they use tag words like 'download' and 'amazing' to draw attention to it.
Cover lines
The cover lines are located around the edge of the magazine to allow the main image to shine through, they focus on other articles and use different presentational devices such as promotional language to make them stand out
Secondary images
These images are anchored to the cover lines to give them purpose, they are alot smaller than the main image as they are less important but they are edited into different shaped such as circles to keep them apart from the main article
The pugs are located at the bottom of the magazine and display the price and bar code, they keep out of the way and are relatively hidden to allow the other articled to shine through. Perhaps this is because they want you to read the 'amazing' magazine and go to purchase it before you even acknowledge the price.

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