Wednesday 18 December 2013

Survey says.......Which music magazine are you most likely to buy?

For question 4 I asked 'Which music magazine are you most likely to buy?', this question allowed respondents to choose more than one response and to add suggestions to the 'other/comments' box, this was because some people might buy more than one type of magazine as their are so many on the market of all different genres.
Overall most people are most likely to buy 'Q' magazine which is an alternative/rock magazine. 6 people said they were most likely to purchase it. The second most popular answer was 'Top of the Pops' with 4 people saying they are most likely to buy it, this is probably because it is the most well known magazine in the UK because it is from the BBC and it used to be  a television series depicting popular music live acts.  The third most popular answer was KERRANG and billboard magazines, with 3 responses each, it is obvious that most people prefer rock or pop. In the comment box one respondent added the suggestion of 'rolling stone' magazine, which is a rock magazine I'm really glad they mentioned this because it is valid to my prefered genre. The least popular answers with only one response  each were for NME and VIBE magazine, this is probably because NME isnt as well known in the  UK as other brands and VIBE is an R'&'B magazine which, by my previous question, isnt the most popular genre. Overall I think I will look to magazines like 'Q' and 'KERRANG' as they fit in with my chosen genre of rock/alternative/indie and the public seem to like them.

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