Friday 15 November 2013

Q magazine analysis

Here I have analysed the various codes and conventions of the march 2012 edition of Q magazine. This is an example of a good magazine that I really like the use of colour contrast on.

The masthead is the name of the magazine, in this case it's placed at the top of the page; directly in the readers eye line to catch their attention. This masthead is very simple but effective in the sense that it uses the contrasting colours of red and white to make the classic font stand out. This masthead also is unique as it's different from any other magazine, it is able to use a single letter on a red box out as people will instantly recognise it due to it's famous reputation.
The tagline is a small area of text that shows what the magazine is about, it's usually located under the masthead as it will be the next thing the audience will see, this is the case for this cover. The tagline is also used to persuade the audience to read the magazine and gives a kind of summary about the magazine or issue, it also reinforces the genre of magazine portrayed.
The headline is the usually the text with the biggest font as it informs us about the most important article, in this case the headline is located parallel to the masthead so the audience see it first, its also anchor's to the main image (the headline is about Florence and the machine and so is the image), this reinforces the audience expectations of the article inside and shows them that the article is important.
Main cover image
The central image is one of the most important features of a magazine as it needs to reflect its purpose and catch the readers attention, this image is anchored to the headline.
The cover model is of the lead singer of Florence and the Machine, and the image catches our attention because the mise-en-scene that she is portraying is striking, her red hair, pale skin and bright blue eye makeup all contrast. An extreme close up is used to highlight the mode of address (how the model is relating to the audience) because you can see how she is looking directly at the camera to make a bond between her and the reader, the close up shows her emotions and facial details.
Cover lines
The cover lines are areas of text that are focused around the other articles, in this case they are displayed around the central image. In this case different sizes relate to the importance of the articles, this links with the font style because this differs thorough the cover lines (some are wider and some are thinner). The colour is also important, here they have used a pure white to contrast with the main image, this means that the main image and cover lines get an equal viewing by the audience. This magazine has cleverly used bright blue (linking to the eye makeup) underlines and bullet points to separate each cover line, thus making it easier to read.
This cover uses puffs (text that shows a promotion/ exclusive or freebie) to draw attention to a certain area of the cover, in this case it's an access all areas exclusive with Zane Lowe. The text is placed on a contrasting box out to make it stand out from the rest of the cover.
Pugs (seriously weird names )
This is the area where the bar code/ price and issue number is located. In this cover they are located together in the bottom left hand corner to keep it discreet from the rest of the cover.

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