Tuesday 7 January 2014

Survey says.......How often would you expect a music magazine to be released?

For question 7 I asked 'How often would you expect a music magazine to be released?', this is because I want to see what release date will suit everyone.

 Overall, most people wish for the magazine to be released monthly with 6 out of 13 responses, the second most popular answer was weekly with 4 responses. From my results I can gather that I will make my magazine monthly, as it still provides up to date storys in a easy to remember amount per year (12 isssues per year), daily magazines of this type would be impossable to produce and would suit a newspaper more, yearly magazines are more for special editions or large issues with more infomation.

 I will display the release date on the front cover and usually the 'norm' is to display on the cover  magazine covers a date which is some weeks or months in the future from the actual publishing/release date, this allows  magazines to appear "current" to readers/consumers even after they have been on sale for some time, also to make it convenient for newsstands when an unsold magazine can be removed from the stands and returned to the publisher or be destroyed

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